
Our guests will be sharing their experiences, strategies and knowledge. Who are you going to watch?

Proudly supported by

Janie Jordan

Janie Jordan

Danielle Joworski

Danielle Joworski ~ The VisibelleCEO

Neil Jurd


Tanya Kabuya

Business Marketing Strategist, Wizz Digital Marketing

Monica Kalra

Nick Kay

Omegan Entertainment

Jess Keenan

Leading Change Experiences

Bernie Kelly

Bernie Kelly

Maria Kelly

Ask Maria Kelly

Nicholas Kemp

Head Ikigai Tribe Coach, Ikigai Tribe

Peter Kennedy

Alecto Finance

Caroline Kennedy

Woman Empowerment Coach

Rachna Khanna

Mark Khoder

Director, Your Social Chef

Julian Khursigara

Search Party Property

Deb King

Coach Training Campus

Kelly Kingston

Happy and Well (AUST) Pty Ltd

Sarah Kinlin

Pearl Performance Incorporated

Jean Kropper

Paper and Pixel

Daniel Krynzel

Creator, Godspeed With Daniel

Le-an Lai Lacaba


Ben Lai

Sales Ethos

Kara Lambert BA (Psych), Grad Dip (Mgt)

Business Consultant, Kara Lambert

Tracy Lamourie

Founder and Managing Director, Lamourie Media Inc

Matty Lansdown

Matty Lansdown