How To Use The Power Of Video To Grow Your Personal Brand
A Episode by Melissa Groom (The Visibility Mentor, Melissa Groom)
About this Episode
In this episode, we talk to Melissa Groom The Visibility Mentor.
Melissa Groom teaches entrepreneurs how to create an international profile and reach their ideal clients, starting from scratch.
Melissa runs a women's networking organisation Mums In Business Australia - now Empowered Mums which she founded In 2012 along with Mums in Business Magazine.
In 2011 after doing an online video marketing course she created a web tv show Toddlers To Teens & Toddlers To Teens Magazine.
Melissa was inspired by her 11-year-old son who started a YouTube channel and created a global following very quickly and Gary Vee and his wine library TV.
She then created the 30-day video challenge in Feb 2015 and continues to run it today to teach people how to get over the fear of using video and grow their personal brand.
She also offers Mastermind Programs and teaches people how to create their signature program, build their community and increase their income.
Lastly, she teaches entrepreneurs how to create their own web TV show.