Running A Business Shouldn’t Be Hard. So Why Do You Struggle?
A Episode by John Stringer Stringer (Business Performance Specialist, John Stringer Consulting)
About this Episode
In this episode, we speak to John Stringer, Business Performance Coach.
With over 30 years experience in Business Performance Mentoring, John has helped many businesses, through his business coaching, succeed in growth, strategy, and overall improved business performance.
Sometimes businesses can simply hit a rough and challenging patch.
A struggling business is no fun.
When you started out setting up your business this was an exciting and rewarding period seeing all the hard work of long invested hours and ideas implemented come alive.
The possibilities to shape your future were endless.
Over time you may have started to hit a few business bumps on your road to success; lower cash flow, working longer hours taking you away from your personal time, more stress, greater competition; your overall state of mind is now less positive.
John has come across these business symptoms in the past, that is why He wants to help you uncover your business potential and show you the possibilities to turn your business from ordinary to extraordinary.