Tina Harwood

Facilitator, Body Fit Melbourne

Tina's Episode broadcasts 22 June 2026, 04:34 AM

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Body BE-YOU-tiful is our very own signature event. It is about finding your uniqueness and uncovering the things in your life that are tripping you up or holding you back from being the very best version of yourself. We have created a safe, relaxing environment that wow's and allows our guests to relax and feel nurtured as they peel back the protective layers that they have built over the years. By joining our Body-BE-YOU-tiful events you are making a commitment to yourself that now is your time to come out of the shadows and be uniquely YOU!

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How Tina Is Helping Women To Shift Their Focus From Being Skinny To Being Strong

22 June 2026, 04:34 AM
Tina Harwood